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Material Management

Correct material management will ensure proper tracking of all components and parts for the life of your product.

This means that supplier guarantees are upheld and that all warranties of your finished product are secured.


Careful and diligent stock control is necessary to avoid preventable expenses and waste. Evaluating components and the suppliers before purchasing is critical as there are thousands of the same component values from hundreds of different vendors. By using Fine-tech to manage your materials you remove any risk to yourself in purchasing unproven brands of components from unknown vendors.


Supplier evaluations are regularly conducted on all of our selected component vendors. We review the vendor’s performance based on their product quality, range, pricing and reliability to deliver on time. We monitor their component availability and lead-time promised to rate their performance as an Approved Supplier. Our specialised skills and customised MRP Software enables us to see exactly what stock is on hand at any time and which of our suppliers are approved to supply that particular component value. This allows us to quickly calculate component delivery ETAs and to align our Work Schedules to your requirements whilst ensuring that the most suitable parts are used on your board. All stock is Quality Checked (QC) and validated when received. Then each part is allocated a store location bin for tracking and is regularly manually reconciled to our MRP. All parts are given a Lot Numbers in order to employ in our “First-In-First-Out” (FIFO) system. This ensures a constant stock rotation and aligns the vendor warranty with our production requirements. Stock level reports are use in maintaining stock holdings, long term production forecasts and “Just-In-Time” (JIT) production requirements. Components sensitive to humidity are baked out in a temperature controlled oven when specified by the manufacturer.


Component procurement is the establishment of a high quality component supply chain through vetted suppliers of branded parts. The procurement of parts is our key to maintaining a consistent reproduction of a quality product.


We have a dedicated logistics division specifically for procurement. It is critical that all components and component vendors are approved and inspected, we only use suppliers with whom we have established a trusted relationship. All incoming goods are inspected for specification conformance. Non-compliant components are quarantined, their non-conformance is documented before they are then returned to their respective supplier in accordance with our ISO9001 Procedures. We guarantee no substitute components will be used without your permission. Our ISO9001procedures ensure we are able to trace the origin and date the component was purchased and specifically where it was used in your product. You may choose to supply some or all of the components for your job and we will work with your provided materials and can procure any others you may be missing. We are flexible in this process and you have the opportunity to select your preferred components and the appropriate production run. Any components supplied by you will be stored in the Project Component Job Bin assigned to your product and maintained with strict quality control processes.


Timing is everything. When we give you a delivery date, it will be delivered on that date. We can promise this because of our tightly controlled scheduling system. The development of our scheduling system incorporates control and planning considerations by managing the interaction of various workstations and processes that are used to make your product.


The manufacture of your product is scheduled based on production, inventory, procurement, time restraints, supply volume and your specific requirements. Production schedules are usually determined at the procurement stage. JIT delivery of goods cannot be accomplished without a timeous order confirmation from both you and our Approved Supplier. Once we receive your purchase order we can confirm the production lead times quoted. This may vary if there are delays between our quote and receiving your purchase order as supplier lead times change daily as new components are purchased and sold by them. Scheduling is documented in line with our standard operating procedures and our ERP software provides comprehensive scheduling data so that production and inventory levels are balanced Production scheduling is constantly updated and prioritised according to the delivery of components. A delay in a single components delivery could delay the completion date of the product unless we maintain up-to-date production routing processes through scheduling.

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